The school that gives students opportunities for paid internships
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11 month ago
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The various companies are paying for the internship that the students of the "Shtjefën Gjeqovi" Vocational High School do there.

All this after the agreement signed with the initiative and mediator of this capital school, which offers 14 profiles. Interest in enrolling in this school is growing, due to the fact that a large number of students who complete vocational education are employed in Kosovo but also in different countries of the world.

The director of the vocational high school "Shtjefën Gjeqovi", Blerim Gërvalla, tells KosovaPress that vocational schools are promoters of the economic development of a country.

According to him, all those students who want to be part of this school must have the desire and inclination for the major they choose.

Meanwhile, comparing last year with this year, he says that the number of those applying to be part of this school has increased.

In addition to the high interest that young people have in this school, there is also a dropout from school for various reasons. Gërvalla emphasizes that most students drop out of school because they work, but a small number have requested documents due to migration.

Dual education is a system in which training in a company is combined with the subjects of a vocational school and is of great importance, as it contributes to the development of quality practical skills required by employers.

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