The PDK Vice President: The dialogue should not be turned into an instrument of re-notarization of past agreements
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2 year ago
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The vice-president of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Vlora Çitaku, says that the dialogue with Serbia should not be transformed into an instrument of re-notification of past agreements. She asks not to waste time in continuing the status quo with Serbia, but to reach the final agreement, with mutual recognition at its goal.

Çitaku in an interview for KosovaPress, speaking about the agreement on documents with Serbia, says that Prime Minister Kurti made a lot of noise about nothing.

On the second anniversary of the Washington agreement, Çitaku says that the Kurti Government has quietly implemented it, while speaking to KosovaPress about the "Open Balkan" and the trade unionists' strikes in Kosovo.

According to her, Prime Minister Kurti, in recent months, has been completely irresponsible in how he communicated with the public, especially mentioning the war.

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