The parties unanimously: The last moment for the EU to remove the punitive measures against Kosova
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10 month ago
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It is the last moment for the European Union to remove the punitive measures against Kosova, say representatives of the position, the opposition and experts on European integration. According to them, despite the failure to dismiss the mayors in the four northern municipalities, in the April 21 vote, Kosova has fulfilled the commitments in Bratislava's agreement with the EU for the extension of the situation in the north.

The Vetëvendosje MP, Adnan Rrustemi, tells KosovaPress that the European Union should remove the punitive measures immediately and not gradually.

The PDK MP, Blerta Deliu, wants to remove the punitive measures of the EU, but emphasizes the need for the government to address the demands of the EU.

On the other hand, the university professor, Dorajet Imeri, says that the punitive measures were unfair and as such should be removed as soon as possible.

The European Union has imposed punitive measures against Kosova in June 2023, as a result of tensions in the north, which culminated with the entry of Albanian mayors into municipal facilities. Representatives of Western countries have asked Kosova to enable the removal of those mayors, who they said do not represent the will of the residents, through snap elections./E.Zeqiri/

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