The MFA says that they are in the process of evaluating the expansion of the network of military attachés
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Kosovo is currently represented by military attachés in only seven countries in the world. The Ministry of Foreign affaiAffairs says that they are in coordination with the Ministry of Defense to find the best way to expand the network of defense attachés. Experts in the field of defense and security say that Kosovo should be represented by military attachés in all NATO member countries with which there are bilateral agreements. The United States of America, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Croatia and Albania are the countries where Kosovo has sent defense attachés. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Kreshnik Ahmeti, tells KosovaPress that they are also looking at increasing the number of SOFA agreements. The MP of the Vetëvendosje Movement, the party that governs the country, says that diplomacy is a priority and a need of the Ministry of Defense, and according to him the government is giving special importance to bilateral relations with NATO member states. Dugolli says that in this way the lack of attachés is being compensated for, since according to him the budget of Kosovo cannot afford to have defense attachés in every country that has recognized Kosovo.
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