The incumbent government approves the Annual Financial Report for 2020
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo, led by the incumbent Prime Minister, Avdullah Hoti, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Government, has held a virtual meeting, the 70th in a row, in which it has approved the Annual Financial Report for 2020. This financial report accurately and fairly reflects the finances and financial transactions of Kosovo institutions from the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo, trust funds, designated donor grants, own source revenues, dedicated revenues, borrowing and management expenditures for the COVID-19 pandemic for fiscal year 2020.
According to this report, the total receipts for 2020 were 2,206,647,000 euros, which is 16 million 275 thousand euros less than in 2019, while payments were 2,334,943,000 euros, compared to 2019 are higher by 2 million 817 thousand and 503 euros.