The foundation stone of the school in the "Mati 1" neighborhood is laid, it will have a capacity of more than 700 students
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6 month ago
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The mayor of Prishtina, Përparim Rama, and the director of Education of this municipality, Jehona Lushaku-Sadriu laid the foundation stone of the lower secondary elementary school in the "Mati 1" neighborhood. This school is expected to have the capacity of over 700 students with a space of 4,800 square meters, which is expected to be operational in July 2025.

The mayor of the capital, Përparim Rama, said that the construction of this school is of great interest to the capital because it reduces the workload in other schools. He added that this school will help push forward ideas for transforming the education system.

Rama emphasized that the cost of building three schools, including the one in "Sofalia" neighborhood that will start next week and the one in the "Qëndresa" neighborhood is over 15 million euros. Until he showed that it is a private sector investment and that the municipality will return the funds within a few years.

Meanwhile, the director of Education in the municipality of Prishtina, Jehona Lushaku-Sadriu, said that this school meets all European standards in terms of construction and design for full-day classes.

She emphasized that the school in "Mati 1" neighborhood in terms of capacity is expected to fulfill all the requirements of this neighborhood, while adding that it is in function of raising the quality of education.

In addition, Lushaku called the Ministry of Education incompetent for not providing students with textbooks. She said that there are no books published for students in the bookstore, because they were not informed in time.

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