The floods caused great damages in Llap, the worst situation is in Pakashtica of Podujeva
Great damage to the road infrastructure, family economy and agriculture has been caused in Podujevo as a result of the recent floods after heavy rains.
The most serious situation continues to remain in the village of Upper Pakashtica, where the road has collapsed and is impassable above the village. Meanwhile, for the rest of the road at the entrance of the village, the Municipality is making continuous efforts to fully open this road for residents.
The mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi, told KosovaPress that the damage to infrastructure, but also to family economies, is great in the Llap region.
Bulliqi says that the Pakashtica road has been opened in those places where it was blocked, but he adds that the damages amount more than half a million euros, for which he said that they will seek help from the government for its repair.