The EC welcomes the EU's proposal for Kosovo and Serbia
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2 year ago
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The heads of state of the EU, during a summit that took place yesterday and today in Brussels, have approved several conclusions regarding the relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

The conclusions state that the European Council welcomes the latest European proposal to establish relations between the two sides on a new and stable basis as a historic opportunity that should be seized by both sides, including the aim to realize their perspective European.

"In the light of the recent tensions in the north of Kosovo, the European Council underlines the urgent need for progress in the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia through dialogue facilitated by the EU, led by the High Representative. The European Council urges both parties to implement, fully and unconditionally, the obligations they committed to in the framework of the dialogue, including the agreements of 2013 and 2015 for the establishment of the Association/Community of Municipalities with a Serbian majority. The relations between Kosovo and Serbia will be the subject of discussion at the summit of the heads of state or government of the EU, which will take place on Thursday and Friday in Brussels", these conclusions state.

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