The director of Psychiatry Clinic, Faton Kutllovci, shows how the workload affects mental health
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Experiencing anxiety, stress and depression negatively affect mental health and they come as a result of mental fatigue in the workplace, stated the director of the Psychiatry Clinic at UCCK, Faton Kutllovci on World Mental Health Day.

Kutllovci tells KosovaPress that a research conducted by the Kosovo Nursing Chamber in 2022 shows that the level of stress has increased to about 25 percent, but this figure may have increased even more in the last two years.

In the Clinic of Psychiatry at UCCK, there is ward B, which treats anxiety disorders, depression, but also signs of disorders and fatigue due to experiences in the workplace and everyday life. According to Kutllovci, one must learn to manage stress.

According to the director of psychiatry at UCCK, the "bombastic" news is also affecting mental health. Kutllovci appeals to be careful in dealing with news about family violence, cases of murder and suicide, as we are dealing with very sensitive topics.

According to the World Health Organization, the theme that has been selected this year is mental health in the workplace, which refers to constant stress. If you have a mental health problem, refer to a psychologist or psychiatrist. /A. Shala/

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