The director of education in Prishtina: Poor quality education has pushed many families to leave Kosovo
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The latest graduation exam statistics have shown a drastic drop in the number of participants in this exam. A decrease in the number of students is also evident in these statistics.

What is worrying for the director of education in the Municipality of Prishtina, Jehona Lushaku-Sadriu, is the number of students who have passed the graduation test, which is related to the results in schools and educational institutions.

According to Lushaku-Sadriu, the poor quality education is the reason why it has pushed many families to think of leaving Kosovo in order to educate their children in a more appropriate way. She thinks that improving education in our country will indirectly stop migration.

The director of education in the Municipality of Prishtina, Jehona Lushaku-Sadriu, told KosovaPress that according to international tests, the curricula are not right, students spend very little time in schools and teaching is not so professional for such a shortened schedule.

For this reason, from September 1, the Municipality of Prishtina will start full-day classes in five schools of Prishtina.

About 4 million euros have been invested in the development of daily lessons.

Regarding the school textbooks, the director stated that they are not appropriate but not too bad.

According to her, the right way is to teach with lessons and activities that are more accessible to students.

Lushaku-Sadriu has emphasized that poor quality of education is one of the reasons for migration.

She asks the Government of Kosovo for financial, material support, investments in important processes and moral support for reforms that move the state forward, regardless of the political party.

According to her, education should not be affected by polarizations between political parties, since education is the main pillar of children's knowledge.

According to the official data of the Ministry of Education, in 2014, the number of students that participated in the graduation exam was over 27 thousand, whereas in 2024, there were over 20 thousand students. /A. Shala/

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