The court suspends ERO's decision on new energy tariffs
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2 year ago
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The Basic Court in Prishtina has decided to temporarily suspend the execution of ERO's decision to increase the price of electricity. Following the lawsuit of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, the judge of the case, Kreshnik Kaçiu, has decided to postpone the execution of the decision of ERO for energy prices until a final decision. The Democratic Party of Kosovo claims that ERO, by not including the four northern municipalities in the new electricity tariff payment structure, in addition to discrimination on the basis of residence, has directly contributed to the violation of the principle of rule of law and extension of state sovereignty in the northern part of the state. Also, PDK claims that the decision of ERO has shortcomings in terms of meeting the legal requirements of the administrative procedure. Furthermore, the Democratic Party of Kosovo will hold a press conference at 12:00. It has also initiated a parliamentary inquiry commission into the energy crisis, which will now be set up after securing the necessary 40 signatures. We recall, the new electricity tariffs entered into force on February 9 this year.
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