The member of the CEC from the Vetëvendosje Movement, Alban Krasniqi, said that the planned amount is only for the needs of the CEC as the managing body of the election process.
On the other hand, the head of the Secretariat of the CEC, Burim Ahmetaj, said that in the framework of the preparations for the process of voting for or against the removal of the mayors in the north, invitations have been sent to political subjects to present their nominations for members of the Municipal Election Commissions in these four municipalities.
The Office for Registration, Certification and Financial Control of Political Entities has received 51 annual financial reports, while three others, such as the Demochristian Albanian Party of Kosovo, the Democratic Ashkali Party of Kosovo and the Eco Green Movement, have not yet submitted these reports. Due to the non-submission, the office has imposed fines on the three registered political subjects of 4000 euros each.