The CDBK demands the abolition of VAT on essential products
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2 year ago
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The Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo has requested from the Government of Kosovo to remove VAT on essential products for three months, and then continue from 8% to 5%, due to the economic situation created as a result of enormous price increases.

According to a press release the CDBK has asked the Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, the Minister of Industry, Rozeta Hajdari, and the Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati to take measures as soon as possible to overcome the situation, so that businesses and citizens can more easily cope with the situation. According to the CDBK, the undertaking of emergency measures by the state, regarding the situations that are happening not only in our country, but also in global markets, would have at least a little effect on protecting citizens and economic operators. Given the fact that the changes are continuous, unexpected, and new for our country, the CDBK expresses its readiness to support the Government of Kosovo with concrete proposals, in order to overcome the current situation as soon as possible and with as few implications for businesses and society in general. The Chamber of Doing Business in Kosovo says that such actions have been taken by the countries of the region, including North Macedonia and Albania, which have frozen the profit margin for essential products, and have reduced VAT, from 5% to 0%, while VAT on food in Macedonia is 5%.
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