The campaign "Celebrate with heart..." begins, about 1500 illegal weapons are confiscated every year in Kosovo
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"Shpresa Kastrati was wounded by a stray bullet on New Year's Eve and died", "A person is injured by a stray bullet in his yard in Deçan", are just some of the cases that were presented in today's campaign. "Celebrate with Heart, not with guns". This campaign is organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This campaign aims to raise awareness of the danger of possession and misuse of small and light weapons. During Thursday it was said that every year the Kosovo Police confiscates about 1500 illegal weapons. The latter are considered the main causes for the vast majority of murders and crimes in Kosovo.

The Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Blerim Gashani, said that even after the end of the war in Kosovo, the use of illegal weapons continues to remain a concern for Kosovar institutions and society...

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