The call is opened for entities that provide social services through food packages
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2 year ago
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The Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers has opened the call for entities that provide social services through food packages, a call which will be open until April 7, 2022. A press release states that the value of support for each entity depends on the capacity and intensity of the entity and can be up to 50 euros per food package, where 70% of the package value must be local products. The application is made through the e-mail address masa3.4@rks-gov and will be open for seven days. For more detailed information regarding the documents required for the application, please refer to the advertisement in the following link: 1B1227597DBA.pdf "Aware that state mechanisms do not always have a comprehensive effect, the Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers remains committed to taking measures aimed at supporting the family, raising welfare and easier access to social services for them. all citizens ", it is said in the communiqué.
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