Telecom lost 10.8 million euros from mismanagement, RTK 800 thousand
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2 year ago
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The Auditor General, Vlora Spanca, has emphasized on Tuesday that the audit carried out at Telecom of Kosovo, has shown that there was a loss of 10.8 million euros for the past year. In a press conference, Spanca presented the main issues presented in the regularity and performance audit reports and the main irregularities, which the Auditor’s Officce has identified through the audits carried out for 2021. "Kosovo Telecom had the biggest loss in the amount of 10.8 million euros or 66 percent of the total losses, while Termokos made the biggest profit in the amount of 1.9 million euros or about 49 percent of the total profit", she said. As for Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK), she said that the losses from mismanagement are 800 thousand euros. The general auditor, Spanca, also said that during the audit they identified 67 cases with potential elements for committing criminal offenses. For these cases, she said that they notified the State Prosecutor, which cases were then addressed to the Basic Prosecutor's Office.
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