Szunyog: The Government's attacks on the Prosecutor's Office undermine institutional independence
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10 month ago
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The head of the EU office in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog, in his speech at the annual conference of prosecutors, stated that they play a vital role in the justice system.

He emphasized that the prosecution is the pillar of the rule of law and one of the foundations of the functioning of democracy.

Speaking about the role of a prosecutor, Szunyog said that his job is about securing convictions, but it is at the same time about upholding the legal system, honoring the principle 'No one is above the law', a demonstrating that justice is blind to power.

He also mentioned the Government's attacks on the Prosecutor's Office, saying that these attacks try to exert unfair influence and undermine the independence of the institutions.

The head of the EU office in Kosovo said that the prosecution must be open as it is part of the constitutional system, where the competences of the institution are balanced.

Speaking about the election of the state's chief prosecutor, Szunyog said that this case should not be prolonged and that this is negatively affecting the prosecutorial system.

He also mentioned the justice reform, which he said aims at the values of the rule of law and accountability as well as efficiency.

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