SOS Villages shelter over 40 children without parental care
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2 year ago
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Over 40 children are housed in SOS Children's Villages in Kosovo. In addition to the usual services, there is already a new project for mothers and children in SOS Village of Kosovo, where young mothers and their newborns receive treatment mainly in order to prevent child abandonment. The director of SOS Children's Villages, Nezahat Salihu, in an interview for KosovaPress talks about the sheltered children and their care. "We now have eight families who shelter children without parental care and there are 42 children placed with us. However, we also have children who are in the stage of semi-independence for the reason that we do not abandon them after the age of 18 because it often happens that a child is accepted at the age of 10 but has not yet gone to school, and if we removed that child at the age of 18 then we would only create other social problems. So we support them until we see that they are capable of facing the challenges in life they have. If they want to continue different courses, we support them, but even if they want to study normally, we are their family and we will always be here for them", said Salihu. Further, Salihu talks about the challenges that this center has had and the opening of a new center for mothers and children. "We cannot say that it was an ordinary year like other years, given the situation with the pandemic we had, but I still think that we as SOS Children's Villages have managed to achieve all that has been planned. . You know very well that we do not only provide care for abandoned children without parental care, but we also offer a lot of support in various fields, both in strengthening the family, ie preventing abandonment, as well as the economic empowerment of families. We also offer various services in advocacy, education, health in various fields. We have even started a new project which is a shelter center for mothers and children, it is a project that supports young mothers not to abandon their children. [...] (01:21) This is the first year we started, we just have a new mother with her baby and we hope that there will be support and new mothers do not abandon their children" she said. The purpose of this center is for family accommodation, this is the reason why the baby service is closed. "This year is not that we have accepted for reasons that in the o-called baby project, there have been abandoned babies. We have closed it because we now intend to focus on family housing," she said. Although the desire for this center not to exist means that there are no abandoned children, Salihu says that on the other hand it is fortunate that this center supports children to grow up. "We have children from all municipalities. I also always wanted the SOS Children's Village not to exist because we wanted all the children to have their own families. But on the other hand, fortunately, there is such a center which supports them to grow and be oroud of themselves", said Salihu. Many children who have successfully passed the SOS Village programs have continued their lives like all other children.
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