Serbian official documents show how Serbia killed Ukshin Hoti
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4 year ago
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The team of the show "Udhëve", which is broadcast on RTK, for a long time has been investigating the circumstances of the disappearance of the Albanian activist Ukshin Hoti, and managed to discover many facts.

According to the documents of the Serbian army and police provided by the editorial office of "Udhëve", on the day when Ukshin Hoti was taken out of Dubrava Prison, he was not released. He was initially abducted, and later he was killed and massacred in the most miserable way by the Serbian police assisted by the Yugoslav Army. This is stated in the documents provided by the editorial office of "Udhëve", and these documents have the seal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, the war crimes investigation department. On the day he was taken out of the prison, members of the Serbian state security were waiting for him at the prison door. It is unofficially said that it was Sreten Cemovic, a member of the Serbian state security with the code 9787960, who received him at the prison door. Cemovic often introduced himself as a journalist. In the official document of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Serbia, with protocol number 03 / 4-3-1 SB no. 270 / 13, dated October 4, 2013, which was also provided by the editorial office of "Udhëve", a person, that this document refers to him as a X-1 person, who was a witness in the case, revealed the entire event that happened to Ukshin Hoti, in May, 1999. Person X-1, revealed the manner of committing the murder and the attempt to hide the crime by the Serbian police and army in the case of Ukshin Hoti, but also several other murders in Peja region. Through photos, this person identified the house, the doors of the house, the backyard and how Ukshin Hoti was killed. Person X-1 without thinking twice claimed that in the photos with number 1 and number 2, he recognized the wooden entrance door in the yard of an Albanian house. The witness describes the crime scene and gives details about the door and the yard as he had seen them in May, 1999. After the war, that wall was built of concrete blocks, because the house was burned down during the war. Citizen X-1 then clarified that in photo number 3 he recognized the view of the yard, which was directed to the fence of the yard and the local road which passes by the edge of the mentioned house. Person X-1, drew a sketch of the scene, in which he explained in detail the interior planning of the backyard at that time: the entrance gate through which they entered the courtyard where on the right side of the entrance gate, he saw 2 corpses in the building, and then in front of a smaller house in the courtyard he saw 1 corpse. The corpses in the sketch are marked with an x. He explains that Ukshin Hoti's body was eventually wrapped in a plastic bag in the backyard of the house and was taken to the right side of the front door at the end of the yard near a barn, where then, they found some dried wood or pine. According to this official document of the Serbian police, the corpse of Ukshin Hoti is marked with + on the sketch. This witness, further says that they placed the corpse near those trees, and with a small amount of explosive they blew up the head and both the hands of the corpse of Ukshin Hoti, and then they covered the corpse with the mentioned trees and burned it, in order to hide the crime. During the time, when the members of the MUP, carried out massacres and macabre acts on the Albanian civilians who were in the yard of that house, the local road marked in the sketch was secured by Yugoslav army soldiers, led by Commander Milićko Janković. All these data are stated in the document provided by our editorial office.
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