Scorching weather; there is a lack of drinking water in some places in Kosovo
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7 month ago
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The high temperatures that have been reigning for several days now in our country have caused the lack of drinking water to be noticed in Peja, Rahovec, Prishtina, as well as in some villages.

Residents of these areas have announced that they have a lack of water; however the officials of the Regional Water Companies have given their reasons.

A resident who complained and wished to remain anonymous to the public, said that in addition to having no water from 06:00 am to 18:00, there is also a lack of electricity during the day.

"There are problems with water in Peja and the villages. There is water only at night, and from 06:00 to 18:00 in the evening there is no water. We have had this problem for several weeks", said one of the residents.

The "Hidrodrini" water supply company in Peja told KosovaPress that one of the reasons for the lack of drinking water is the hot weather.

"There is a lack of water, it is hot, there are shortages… It continues like this for a while. If something changes, then we will tell you", said “Hidrodrini” officials.

However, in the Regional Water Company "Gjakova", from which the Municipality of Rahovec is also supplied, in a written answer, they said that the lower area of Rahovec and some villages are misusing the water and as a result the pumps have no capacity to supply the higher parts.

"The city of Rahovec, according to the geographical relief, is supplied with two pumping stations. In the situation we are in now, the lower area of Rahovec, as well as some villages are misusing the water they are using for irrigation, and as a result, the pumps do not have the capacity to supply the higher parts. For this situation, we have decided that reductions should be made at night in order to fill the reservoirs, as well as to stop misuse. Through this process of reductions, we aim to have sufficient water supply for all consumers during the day", says the response of RWC "Gjakova".

The spokeswoman of the Regional Water Company "Prishtina", Arjeta Mjeku, stated that they are aware of the lack of water supply in some high urban and rural areas, but this is not happening because of the company.

"Since high temperatures are reigning in the country, we are working with maximum treatment capacities in the three water treatment plants, Albanik, Badoc, and Shkabaj. With all the technical and electromechanical capacities, we are making equal distribution of water to all consumers, even without a reduction. According to information from the field, we are aware that there is a lack of water supply in some high urban and rural areas. This is not happening because of us, as we are not applying any reduction. The demand for water has exceeded the forecasts", said Mjeku.

RWC "Prishtina" has also given some advice on what citizens should do to stop misuse of water.

"Don't let the tap water run, don't use the drinking water to wash the cars, don't use the drinking water for the many constructions in the city, don't clean the sidewalks with drinking water, don't forget to turn off your taps after brushing your teeth, don't water the flowers every day, do not allow unauthorized interventions in the water supply network, and pay regularly for the water you consume". /A.Shala/

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