Rockeeet music is launched, Murati: Speeex supports young people in art
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8 month ago
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The Speeex company has organized the Siana Foundation ceremony which launched Rockeeet music, where it was presented in an "unplugged" event.

The director of Speeex, Fikret Murati, said that this initiative was taken to support young people in the field of art.

The artistic director of this program, Florent Boshnjaku, said that Speeex's vision will help art and culture in Kosovo.

The mayor of Prishtina, Përparim Rama, also participated in the ceremony, who said that this is a fantastic platform for young people in art and culture.

ROCKEEET Music is a new and innovative initiative that aims to promote the unique sounds of Kosovo's musical talent. Through this platform artists can showcase their skills in an attractive environment. Their aim is to highlight the richness of Kosovo's musical heritage and its modern interpretations. /E.Z./

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