Rizvanolli calls for energy saving
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2 year ago
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The Minister of Economy, Artane Rzvanolli has said that Europe is facing a difficult winter in terms of electricity which, according to her, will have an impact on Kosovo as well. She said that the Government is working on taking all the necessary measures, while calling for energy savings in the face of the energy crisis. Rizvanolli has said that the level in which Kosovo is located depends on how much it is able to produce electricity in order to cover the energy demand by producing it. She said that KEK is making all efforts so that interventions in the blocks of Kosovo A and Kosovo B are completed before winter. According to her, a difficult winter awaits Kosovo. Last week, the Assembly of Kosovo approved the emergency measures in energy supply, which, according to Rizvanolli, will be submitted to the Ministry of Finance in the coming days to see the financing possibilities.
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