Rama at the UN: Russia's war in Ukraine poses a threat to the world
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2 year ago
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Prime Minister Edi Rama delivered a speech today at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, after Albania took over the Presidency of the Security Council for the first time.

The statement made before chairing the first meeting, focused mainly on the war in Ukraine and its aftermath. "This is only the very start of the Albanian Presidency of the Security Council, and we are already bringing for discussion to the Council an issue of outmost relevance, accountability. In a few minutes I will have the honor and pleasure to chair on behalf of the Albanian Presidency an open debate on strengthening, accountability, and justice for serious violations of international law. Upholding the international law and the UN Charter, protection and promotion of human rights and the support of the UN system and multilateralism are the core of the Albanian foreign policy, they are as well the main priorities of our mandate in the Security Council", said Prime Minister Rama...
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