Position and opposition with contradictory statements about Bislimi's reporting
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1 year ago
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After the report of the Deputy Prime Minister, Besnik Bislimi to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, MPs Arbëreshë Kryeziu-Hyseni and Ariana Musliu-Shoshi have come out with contradictory statements regarding his report on the dialogue. While the meeting of this Committee was held behind closed doors, the chairwoman Kryeziu-Hyseni said that this was due to the disclosure of confidential documents. However, such a thing was denied by the PDK MP, Musliu-Shoshi.

The MP from the ranks of the government, Arbëreshë Kryeziu - Hyseni, said that the MPs received information that was necessary, especially for the opposition MPs, whom she accused of making false statements about the dialogue process.

This report, according to her, "has helped that at least they don't do this from now on".

But Musliu-Shoshi declared otherwise, who also accused Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi of personal attack.

Musliu-Shoshi, in front of the journalists, said that there was no confidential document that appeared in the Committee, which was closed to the media.

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