PDK and LDK ask the government to meet the demands of the police
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1 year ago
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The two opposition parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Democratic League of Kosovo, have asked the government to meet the demands of the police, for health insurance, allowances, danger pay, and early retirement.

In the Kosovo Assembly in the new plenary session, after the end of the debate on the Progress Report, the head of the PDK Parliamentary Group, Abelard Tahiri, praised today's police action for the arrest of four people and the neutralization of a suspect for the armed robbery in a jeweler in Suhareka.

In the statements outside the agenda, he underlined the need for the executive within the draft budget for 2024 to include the demands of the police.

Also, the head of the LDK Parliamentary Group, Arben Gashi, expressed his support for the police, while saying that the country is going through a difficult situation in terms of security.

Although he did not see the presence of the majority MPs, Speaker Glauk Konjufca continued the session by reviewing other items on the agenda, where PDK and LDK MPs opposed the Draft Law on the Sovereign Fund, until they warned that they would send it to the Constitutional Court. /KosovaPress/

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