Over 2 million passengers at Prishtina Airport within these months
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Over 2 million passengers have traveled to Prishtina International Airport "Adem Jashari", until the seventh month of 2024.

Whereas only in the first half of August, this airport had over 200,000 round-trip passengers.

The spokeswoman at Prishtina Airport, Valentina Gara, in a statement for KosovaPress, says that this year the number of passengers has increased by about 20 percent.

She points out that the most frequented countries are Switzerland, Germany, Turkey and Austria, and some other countries.

Among other things, Gara points out that after the large flow of passengers after the visa liberalization, Prishtina Airport has increased its capacities in terms of infrastructure and human resources.

Meanwhile, the compatriots say they miss their hometown and expressed their desire to return to Kosovo.

Erona Gacaferri says that she went to Germany from the age of 15, but she does not rule out the possibility of returning to Kosovo to live.

She says that she still hasn't been visited by her family even after visa liberalization.

Also Hysni Vorfa from Prizren who lives in Berlin, Germany, says that if he had the chance he would return within 24 hours to his hometown to live, but the children do not accept.

Setkije Selaj, who has been living in Switzerland for 20 years, says that she is satisfied with the welcome of her family members.

She says that they have a great desire to come to live permanently in Kosovo, but she has to take care of her grandchildren.

Selaj says that they have not yet been visited by their family members even though seven months have passed since visa liberalization, but adds that they are waiting for them. /Z. Zeneli/

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