Osmani shows the red lines of Kosovo to Macron and Scholz: The association is also harmful for the EU
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2 year ago
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President Vjosa Osmani stated that the European Commission has sent a reconfirmation to all the member countries of the European Union about the criteria for visa liberalization, evaluating the reforms undertaken in a year and a half. Also, she said that only the decision of the Constitution applies to the Association of Serbian Municipalities and it is not in anyone's interest to establish a "Republika Srpska" in Kosovo.

Osmani participated in the first meeting of the European Political Community, known as the Prague Summit, and after Thursday's meetings, she also held a press conference in which she told about the meetings she had held in the Czech Republic.

The president did not meet her Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic, for whom she said that this time they were not at the same roundtable, but Kosovo was at the roundtable that it really deserved, where peace and security were discussed...

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