North Mitrovica, the petition for the dismissal of the mayor will be held in the sports gym
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1 year ago
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The Municipal Assembly of Northern Mitrovica has today decided to respond positively to the request of the initiator group of citizens for the petition regarding the dismissal of the mayor of this municipality, who requested that the collection of signatures take place at the sports gym in the north of Mitrovica.

Thus, the citizens of this municipality will have the opportunity until January 22, namely February 6, to collect a total of 3,640 signatures, as necessary, to dismiss the mayor of the municipality of Northern Mitrovica.

Nexhat Uglanin, chairman of the Municipal Assembly of Northern Mitrovica, has informed KosovaPress that some councilors of this Assembly met today and gave their consent for the public space for the collection of the petition to be a sports gym.

According to him, the administrative instruction foresees relief for the initiating group, that in case of not reaching the necessary number of signatures, the deadline will be postponed for another 15 days.

The Serbs of the north of the country, after boycotting the extraordinary elections of April, in which Albanians were elected mayors of municipalities, changed their position and in October of this year decided to participate in the extraordinary elections for mayors of four municipalities in the north of Kosovo. 

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