NATO Admiral: The Iber Bridge should not be opened at this moment
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Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, commander of the Allied Joint Forces in Naples, said that the Iber Bridge should not be opened and that doing so could cause danger. This is what he said after the KFOR command change ceremony at the Camp "Film City" in Prishtina, where he spoke about the situation in the north and cooperation with security institutions in the country. The Commander of the Allied Joint Forces Command in Naples was also asked about the concerns raised by the local authorities about the 48 military bases located around the border with Serbia.

At the press conference after the KFOR command change ceremony, the NATO admiral stated that KFOR's mandate in Kosovo is for a safe environment, for which he added that there are ongoing challenges.

Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, commander of the Allied Joint Forces stated that the Iber Bridge should not be opened because it could cause danger.

Furthermore, he emphasized that the security forces have been transparent about their activities with KFOR.

Answering the journalists' questions, the NATO admiral emphasized that everything related to more advanced weapons for the KSF is done on a bilateral basis outside the NATO sphere.

As for the statements of the heads of state regarding the 48 military bases established by Serbia around the border, he stated that there are criminal groups operating in this region.

KFOR's mandate, as he said, is for a safe and secure environment and for free movement of all communities. The NATO admiral emphasized that there was a wide interaction between KFOR and the Serbian population in Kosovo, for which he added that it was intended to help maintain a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all communities in Kosovo. /Sh. Pajaziti

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