Mustafa: A synergy was created not to leave Prishtina to VV, that is why LDK lost Gjilan and Podujeva
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3 year ago
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Prishtina was among the municipalities that overturned the result in the second round of local elections 2021. LDK candidate, Përparim Rama received 15 thousand votes more than on October 17 and left behind the candidate of the Movement, former Minister of Health, Arben Vitia, to be confirmed as the new mayor of the capital. The former chairman of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa says that in these elections a synergy was created, not only of the LDK, but also of other opposition entities not to leave the capital to Vetëvendosje. Mustafa for KosovaPress says that the synergy was not only as a result of the assessment of the government of VV in Prishtina but also the fear from Vetëvendosje for the installation of a government, as he says, arbitrary at central and local level.
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