MPs approve in principle the draft law on the IMC
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11 month ago
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The MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo have approved in principle the Draft Law for the Independent Media Commission (IMC). 62 MPs participated in the vote, where 61 of them were in favor, one against and no abstentions.

The draft law related to media monitoring, through which video recordings and audio materials of online media, has not been well received by the media themselves. This draft law with the regulations it contains is considered an attack and tendency of the government to hinder the media in their work.

In today's plenary session, the draft law on sports was also approved. This legislative initiative has received the support of 61 MPs.

Likewise, the Assembly has also approved in the first reading the Draft Law on school textbooks with 62 votes in favor.

Meanwhile, the Assembly did not have a quorum for the draft law on civil status, as only 54 MPs participated in the vote. 

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