Minimal expectations from the second meeting Kurti-Vucic
On Monday, Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti will meet for the second time with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Brussels. Expectations for concrete developments from this meeting are minimal by those familiar with the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue process. According to them, at least from this meeting there should be an agreement on the topics and agenda to be negotiated in the coming months. The expert of the dialogue process, Besnik Vasolli says that he does not expect much from the next meeting Kurti-Vucic, as he considers that it will be similar to the past.
He says for KosovaPress that there were no concrete answers to the four requests of Prime Minister Kurti and that it can be seen that the parties are positioned in their goals. To find a solution, Vasolli demands the more active involvement of the US so that the parties start the dialogue and move towards an agreement.