LDK: We demand that the money that was stolen for three months to be returned to the citizens
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2 year ago
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The MP of the Democratic League of Kosovo, Besian Mustafa has requested today in the plenary session of the Assembly of Kosovo to return to the citizens the means that have paid more for the electricity bills. MP Mustafa said that the ruling party has seized the board of ERO and KEK for its companies to "fill" their pockets. "Yesterday, the Court of Appeals confirmed the decision of the Basic Court in Prishtina, that ERO's decision to increase electricity tariffs was illegal. We have told them this here, in sessions, in commissions, in open and closed debates, but the ruling party did not listen, in fact they insisted that the electricity tariffs be increased and doubled. Why did they insist and what did they do with the 120 million euros they paid for the electricity? Now everything seems clear. They have taken over the board and management of KEK, as well as ERO by turning it into a government department, and people closely associated with the government, or as the government-affiliated oligarchs used to call them, have companies that trade in electricity in Kosovo and thus closed the circle… ERO increased the price of electricity and the companies of the ruling parties filled their pockets. The perfect scene to enrich the companies of the ruling party and some strong individuals within this party. We demand that the funds that have been stolen during these three months be urgently returned to the citizens. The tariffs should be reviewed immediately and they should be legal", said Mustafa. He also demanded the dismissal of the ERO Board. MP Mustafa also spoke about the gas project, for which he said that the ruling party refused American gas, knowing that they would not be able to benefit.
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