Kurti: The biggest part of the country's history belongs to Adem Jashari
Prime Minister Albin Kurti declared that the KLA Epic is the greatest political, cultural and national heritage. According to him, Kosovo has been liberated through the legacy produced by the figure of Adem Jashari. At the solemn session in honor of the 26th anniversary of the KLA Epic, he said that freedom was the condition of life, which also became the condition of Adem Jashari's death.
In front of Rifat Jashari, foreign diplomats and other guests in the Assembly of Kosovo, Kurti emphasized that the resistance of the Jashari family is unique.
Kurti added that the persistence of Adem Jashari and his family brought freedom to the people of Kosovo.
Further, Kurti emphasized that Adem Jashari is special because his name is a reference to freedom.