Kurti: Serbia is panicking, they want to announce a president of the Association
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2 year ago
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Next to the plaque commemorating Arben Xheladini and Mon Balaj, dozens of citizens, activists, MPs and ministers paid their respects. After the homages, Prime Minister Albin Kurti stated that 16 years ago, the UNMIK police fired 232 bullets into the bodies and heads of citizens. He emphasized that they rightly opposed the Ahtisaari package, which included new municipalities based on ethnicity. Kurti also spoke about the association, for which he emphasized that Serbia wants to announce a president of the association. However, he stated that this is harmful and unacceptable.

Prime Minister Albin Kurti remembered the Saturday of 16 years ago, saying that in the demonstration on February 10, they rightly opposed Ahtisaari's package.

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