Kurti: Serbia carried out silent administrative ethnic cleansing in Presheva Valley
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2 year ago
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The Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Albin Kurti together with the Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Liburn Aliu received in a meeting the political representatives of the Albanians in Presheva, Medvegja and Bujanovc.

The meeting was attended by the Mayor of Presheva, Ardita Sinani, the Mayor of Bujanovc, Nagip Arifi, the Chairman of the Party for Democratic Action, Shaip Kamberi, the Chairman of the Albanian National Council, Ragmi Mustafi, the Deputy Mayor of Presheva and at the same time the chairman of the Albanian Democratic Party, Ragmi Mustafa, the chairman of the Albanian Democratic Union, Naser Aziri, the chairman of the Movement for Democratic Progress, Shqiprim Musliu, the chairman of the Albanian Democratic Alternative, Armend Aliu, the municipal councilor of Medvegja, Fehmi Beha, and the member of the Council for interethnic relations in the municipality of Medvegja, Arben Ferati. Whereas, despite the invitation, the meeting was not attended by the chairman of the Alternative for Change, Shqiprim Arifi and the speaker of the Assembly of Presheva also chairman of the Movement for Reforms, Sami Salihu...
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