Kurti-Ristuccia-Wigemark: There should be no barricades on any road 
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2 year ago
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Prime Minister Albin Kurti has met with the KFOR commander, Major General Angelo Michele Ristuccia and the head of EULEX, Lars Gunnar Wigemark, with whom he discussed the close cooperation between the Government of Kosovo, KFOR and EULEX, within the mandates that have.

The actions of criminal structures in the north of Kosovo, which seriously affect security in the country, were discussed in the meeting.

The common conclusion from this meeting is that freedom of movement should be restored and that there should be no barricades on any road.

They also agreed on the continuation of close inter-institutional cooperation and the coordination of actions, in the service of peace and security for all citizens of Kosovo, which is the common goal and priority of the institutions of Kosovo, KFOR and EULEX.

In the meeting, the proven professionalism, prudence and courage of the Kosovo Police, in maintaining security and public order throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo, was emphasized.

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