Kurti: Inequality should be fought in early childhood
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The Prime Minister of the country, Albin Kurti, has declared that inequality should be fought in early childhood.

During the publication of the monitoring report "Evaluation Card" by the Coalition of NGOs for Child Protection in Kosovo (KOMF), Kurti said that the Government has ensured that support for social policies is increased and new schemes are introduced, creating equality from an early age.

Meanwhile, the director of the Office for Good Governance in the Prime Minister's Office, Habit Hajredini, said that this office has built the platform for children's rights, which provides updated data in the qualitative field of children's rights.

Donjetë Kelmendi from KOMF said that this report is a tool to unify attitudes and views on the situation of children's rights in the country.

KOMF is supported by the Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo. /A. Shala/

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