Kosovo with high poverty rate, Sadiku: Economic growth is insufficient
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Poverty, the lack of empowerment of the productive sector, the lack of support for businesses, the slowdown of economic growth in the country, are some of the problems that Kosovo is facing 25 years after liberation. The university professor, Muhamet Sadiku, while asking the government for more reforms in the issues affecting the economy, says that Kosovo continues to face the same problems for years.

In an interview for KosovaPress, Professor Sadiku says that while all countries have indexed social expenditures and pensions, the Government of Kosovo has not moved in this regard, which he says has influenced the country's economy not to develop.

According to Sadiku, there is a lack of feeling for social development in the country, who says that Kosovo continues to have the same problems in health, education and other sectors.

While talking about the economic stagnation, Sadiku lists the problems that the country is facing in economic terms, and adds that the negative trade balance also remains a challenge. In this regard, he estimates that Kosovo should strengthen the export sector.

Among other things, he underlines that Kosovo continues to face the problem of poverty, for which he says that the state must improve governance with economic growth.

On the other hand, he says that the drop in foreign investments remains worrying.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts economic growth for Kosovo at 3.8 percent in 2024. According to the IMF, this growth rate in 2023 was 3.3 percent.

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