Kosovo will accept 5,000 Ukrainian refugees
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2 year ago
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Donika Gërvalla, has announced that they have asked KFOR to close Kosovo airspace to Russia. Reporting to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, the chief diplomat said that during this week they will take a decision on the admission of 5000 Ukrainian refugees. In front of the MPs, she also spoke about the security situation in Kosovo. "We do not have concrete signals for a military attack from anyone in Kosovo, but we must be very vigilant and prepared, because we never know. Many of them have underestimated the Russian threat in Ukraine and did not believe that an open war could ensue. We do not want Kosovo to fall prey to wrong and inaccurate assessments. We are in constant contact with all our partners and allies in order for the situation and developments in the region to be monitored with extreme cautioun. It is important for me to say that in Kosovo no one needs to panic about the situation, as there is no sign that we are close to an armed conflict with anyone ", said Gervalla.
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