Kosovo institutions reject the claims that Tanjug journalists were threatened
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The Ministry of Internal Affairs rejects the claims of the Serbian News Agency "Tanjug" that their journalists are being threatened from Kosovo.

Officials from this ministry say that so far no official report has been made to Kosovo's security institutions regarding the alleged threats.

In a response to KosovaPress from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is stated that Kosovo is the most democratic country in the region that enjoys press freedom and security for its citizens.

Further in this letter it is stated that Kosovo is constantly visited by foreign journalists, including journalists from Serbia who travel and report freely from Kosovo and about Kosovo.

"The latest report of the American company Gallup ranks Kosovo in the top 10 countries in the world with the highest value of the Law and Order Index and among the safest countries in the world for its citizens. Kosovo ranks first in the Western Balkans, 2nd in Europe and 5th in the world in terms of safety for people living and visiting Kosovo. Our republic is the most democratic country in the region that enjoys freedom of the press and security for its citizens. Kosovo is constantly visited by foreign journalists, including journalists from Serbia who travel and report freely from Kosovo and about Kosovo.

So far, no official report has been registered to our security institutions regarding the alleged threats", it was said in the response of the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent to the KosovaPress News Agency.

Also the Kosova Police announced that no such threat has been reported in this institution, which is being claimed by the "Tanjug" News Agency.

"Based on the official information so far, no such case has been reported to the Kosova Police by any journalist/media", the Department for Information in the Kosova Police said.

The Serbian News Agency "Tanjug" is claiming to have received an email from Albanians through which the journalists of this medium are threatened with their lives while visiting Kosovo, however, they have not given any details or evidence for such a thing, not even that email was sent by any Kosovo citizen. /B.Ibishi/

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