The capital city records the largest number of visitors according to the data of the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (KAS), sourced from accommodation structures. Whereas the largest number of nights of stay by visitors was recorded by Peja with 678,899 night-stays.
The country has become attractive for visitors from the region, Europe and Japan.
Also, another tourist points out that a friend of his recommended Kosovo to him and then he came to visit. He adds that Kosovo is beautiful with very loving and friendly people.
According to the Tourism Union, institutions play a major role in the promotion of our country because they should allocate more budget and prioritize tourism. For this reason, the union appealed to the institutions to increase the fund for tourism because it is one of the main pillars of the economy and employment of this country.Meanwhile, from the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, told KosovaPress that soon the Republic of Kosovo will have its official tourism logo and slogan, since tourism is intended to be developed through these symbols in the coming years. Likewise, according to MIET not only as an enormous force for employment and economic development, but also as an opportunity to build an image of the youngest state in Europe, which promotes the unique values of Kosovo.
"In 2021, the number of overnight stays by local and foreign visitors was 567,419, whereas in 2022 there were 818,832 overnight stays, and this marked an increase of about 44%. In particular, there was an increase in the number of overnight stays by international tourists, where we have an increase of 52% in the number of international overnight stays in accommodation structures in Kosovo. As for the last year 2023, we have almost doubled of overnight stays in Kosovo. The number of overnight stays of domestic and foreign visitors was over 1,523,297 or 86% increase compared to 2022. The number of visitors has also increased more and more in the last 3 years, where we have 622,615 domestic and foreign visitors, registered in accommodation structures or 35% increase compared to the previous year. Prishtina records the largest number of visitors according to data from KAS sourced from accommodation structures, while the second is Peja and then Prizren. Whereas the largest number of overnight stays by visitors was recorded by Peja during 2023 with 678,899 overnight stays. The development of tourism has created employment opportunities, where according to KAS, during 2022 we had 31,542 employees in accommodation and food service activities, which is an increase of 27% in the number of employees", reads the written response of MIET.