Klinaku before the announcement of the verdict for Gucati and Haradinaj: If there is justice, they will be acquitted
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2 year ago
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The acting chairman of the KLA War Veterans Organization, Faton Klinaku, before announcing the verdict on Hysni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj, stated that if there is justice, both will be acquitted. In a statement to KosovaPress, Klinaku said that the Specialized Chambers should first investigate themselves due to the flow of documents and then others. Hysni Gucati and Nasim Haradinaj were arrested on September 25, 2020 in Pristina, from where they were sent to detention in The Hague. Their arrest and the opening of the trial was made after some documents had arrived at the offices of KLA War Veteran ssociation, by still unknown persons, while all these were made public by Gucati and Haradinaj. The SPO has no open investigation into how these documents leaked from the court. The trial panel headed by Charles L. Smith III will announce the verdict today.
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