Kasumi: The companies from Kosovo did not have enough space at the Business Fair in Tirana
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Businesses from Kosovo are also participating in the Tirana International Fair organized by Klik Ekspo Group. Some with their stands, and some others with "Business-to-Business" meetings, aim to expand their enterprises in the Albanian market and beyond. However, Kushtrim Kasumi from the "Pestova" company, says that they did not have enough space to present their companies. He says most of the businesses present at the fair are Serbian and Turkish.

At the Palace of Congresses in Tirana, he and several other representatives of companies from Kosovo have participated during these four days in the fair which unites the six countries of the Western Balkans. "The fair, mainly for our companies, is for B2B meetings, this has been important. We had a plan in advance of who we would meet, which companies will participate here. We have also scheduled meetings in advance, online, with companies that have been of interest to our company. The meetings have been fruitful, constructive and it is expected that from now on, there will be other meetings through emails, to exchange catalogs, products, to send samples, and we hope that there will be something constructive", he said. He says that for their Kosovar company it is important to participate in this fair, as they manage to meet with companies from the region to expand the market where they are not present. "Yesterday we had three meetings, the first meeting was with a company from Bosnia, 'Royall Food', a large company in Bosnia that deals with the distribution of food products. They were interested because we made the presentation of our products, they were interested in negotiating our products, and we showed the quality and product samples", he said. However, he is dissatisfied with the space offered to companies from Kosovo. "The space is not enough, unfortunately the largest space is for the companies from Turkey and Serbia. I do not know whose fault this is, but I think that other times we should reflect, and these fairs should be used to the maximum, by the relevant institutions that deal with the organization. The space is not enough, the Serbian and Turkish companies have the vast majority of the space", said Kasumi. The company "Pestova" cultivates potatoes, and processes them into chips and other products. Since Wednesday, over 200 companies from six Western Balkan countries and other countries are participating in the International Business Fair. This is the 27th edition and is organized by Klik Ekspo Group, which will close tonight. KosovaPress News Agency and the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) are media sponsors of this fair. Both of them with their stands are participants in the International Business Fair.
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