INDEP: The coefficients should be harmonized with the minimum salary, not with the parties' games for power
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The Institute for Development Policy (INDEP) has reacted to the announcement of the Government of Kosovo about the salary increase for public sector workers from January 2025. The reaction states that the salary increase is happening for electoral purposes.

"INDEP expresses deep concern that, for the umpteenth time, political parties in Kosovo are using the changes in public sector salary levels for electoral purposes. The Government's recent decision on the gradual increase of salary coefficients in the public sector and similar reactions from the opposition are another example of this disturbing trend, especially at the time when the country is approaching new elections", reads the communiqué.

It is further stated that at the time of the discussion and approval of the Law on Salaries, INDEP had argued that the coefficients should be directly related to the value of the minimum salary.

"This model would not only provide transparency and a stable base, but also provide a necessary link between the public and private sectors. The process for determining the minimum salary, which is the result of a proposal from the Economic-Social Council - a body where social partners are represented, including representatives of the private sector (economic bodies, trade unions and the Government) - is inclusive and reflects a balanced approach that guarantees respect of the interests of all parties", reads the communiqué.

In addition, INDEP considers that the unilateral increase of salaries in the public sector without a direct connection with the private sector causes not only economic division, but affects the entire economic balance of the country.

"These changes should be the result of general economic growth and joint social decision-making, not promises or decisions on the eve of the elections. The repeated practices of political parties to manipulate public salaries during election cycles are a harmful precedent that undermines the integrity of public policies and sustainable economic development", reads the communiqué.

INDEP calls for increases in salary coefficients to be the product of a clear, transparent and predictable methodology, based on genuine economic indicators and an approach consulted with all parties.

In the end, it is said that political maneuvers, which aim to exploit the sensitivity of citizens to economic conditions for electoral gains, take the focus away from long-term policies and sustainable development.

"Increasing inflation and deteriorating living conditions for citizens require a common approach, where the public interest and the economic well-being of all citizens are above party interests. For a fairer and more stable salary system, INDEP once again called for the harmonization of the coefficients with the minimum salary and for a policy that is based on comprehensive legislation, away from fragile promises and electoral politicization", reads the communiqué.

The Government of Kosovo yesterday decided to increase the salaries of public sector employees by 55 euros from January next year, while from July there will be an increase of 110 euros.

Teachers, policemen, nurses, soldiers and firefighters will benefit from this increase.

According to the presentation of the table, teachers currently have a basic salary of 616 euros, while with the increase they will receive 726 euros.

Policemen from 550 euros will receive 660 euros, nurses from 605 will receive 715 euros, firefighters from 550 euros will receive 660 euros and soldiers from 616 euros will receive 726 euros.

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, announced that the planned budget for 2025 is 3.6 billion euros.

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