Incidents in the north, Ibishi: Serbia is provoking the situation in order for the elections to fail
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1 year ago
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When there are still a few days left before the extraordinary elections for the mayors of North Mitrovica, Leposaviq, Zveçan and Zubin Potok, the number of incidents recorded in the last few days in the north, from the burning of cars to the wounding of a Serbian citizen, are being considered that they are being done on purpose by Serbia in order for the Serbian community to refuse to participate in the elections. The security expert, Nuredin Ibishi, says that this shows that despite the necessary measures taken by the Government of Kosovo, there will be no peaceful elections.

In an interview for KosovaPress, Ibishi says that the final goal of Serbia is for the police forces to leave the north.

From the abstention of the Serbian List from participating in the elections of April 23 to the warnings of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, Ibishi says that an escalation of the situation can be seen, which according to him comes at the order of the Serbian president...

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