Hovenier: We are concerned about the detention of Deputy Police Director Jankovic
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The US ambassador to Kosovo, Jeff Hovenier, has expressed concern about the detention of the deputy director of the Police, Dejan Jankovic. After the meeting with President Vjosa Osmani, he stated that Jankovic is known to the American Embassy and that he has helped in securing an integrated police force. In front of the media on Thursday, Hovenier added that the United States of America agrees with the EU that Serbia, by banning travelers and buses from Kosovo, has violated the agreement on free movement.

Hovenier emphasized that in the meeting with Osmani, they also discussed Kosovo's application to the Council of Europe.

Regarding the ban on travelers and buses from Kosovo on the borders with Hungary and Croatia, Hovenier said that the US agrees with the position of the European Union.

In the conference held on Thursday, Hovenier was also asked about the meeting in Brussels between the chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia

He said that the focus should be on achieving full implementation of the basic agreement and its implementation annex. /Sh. Pajaziti

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