Hajdari: We will review all economic zones, the predecessors misused public money
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3 year ago
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The Minister of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Rozeta Hajdari reported today to the Financial Supervision Committee on the audit report on the financial statements of MTI for 2020. Hajdari has raised several issues as she said misuse of public money, irregularities and shortcomings by the former MTI now MINT. But, worrying, according to Minister Hajdari remains the project for the construction of the industrial park in Lumadh. However, MPs from the opposition, PDK and LDK did not participate in this meeting, nor the chairwoman of the Committee, Hykmete Bajrami who comes from LDK. AAK MP, Albana Bytyqy boycotted the meeting, while saying that since no MPs from the opposition are participating, the MPs of this party will not participate either.
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