Graffiti of the ‘Northern Brigade’ in the north, Musliu: It is an attempt by Serbian criminals to increase the value of Vucic in Brussels
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2 year ago
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Graffiti that appeared today in the north of Mitrovica, where it says "Don't worry! We are here! We are waiting!" have scared the citizens of that part, who express their concern and fear of a possible chaotic situation. But security expert Agim Musliu says that all this is just an attempt by Serbian criminals to increase the value of the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, in Brussels.

According to him, a new Serbian paramilitary formation is behind them. On the other hand, Serbian citizens in the north refuse to speak publicly, but behind the camera, they told KosovaPress that they are scared of such messages from the so-called "Northern Brigade"...
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