Goffus: Uncoordinated actions in the north can increase the risk of violence
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6 month ago
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NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Thomas Goffus, after his visit to Sarajeva and Prishtina, has stated that uncoordinated actions, especially in the north of Kosovo, can increase the risk of violence, which undermines the security of all people in Kosovo and increases the risks faced by KFOR troops.

In a statement released to the media, Goffus emphasized that it is essential that both Prishtina and Belgrade engage constructively in the EU-facilitated dialogue to resolve pending issues.

"We continue to urge all sides to implement existing agreements without delay. As we have seen, abrupt and uncoordinated actions, especially in northern Kosovo, can increase the risk of violence, which undermines the security of all people in Kosovo, and increases the risks faced by KFOR troops. On 29 May 2023 in Zvecan, NATO men and women suffered unprovokedand unacceptable attacks, leaving 93 of them injured – some of them severely. This is unacceptable. We expect that those responsible for the events last year in in Zvecan, as well as in in Banjska, will be held accountable. NATO has made this very clear in both Belgrade and Prishtina. Again, uncoordinated actions and unrealistic timelines, along with divisive rhetoric, fuel tensions that jeopardises peace and stability in Kosovo", he said.

Full statement:

I was in Sarajeva yesterday and in Prishtina today to reiterate NATO’s longstanding commitment to the peace and stability of the Western Balkans, a region of strategic importance for the Alliance. Our KFOR mission continues to fulfill its role to provide a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo in accordance with our mandate, based on the UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999. Over the past year, we have increased the number of troops in Kosovo, in order to address, unfortunately, a more challenging security environment and recurring tensions. This demonstrates, once again, the steadfast political commitment of NATO Allies and Partners to lasting security across Kosovo and the broader Western Balkans. While regrettably necessary at the moment, more troops are not the solution for long lasting peace and stability in Kosovo. The solution is political. It is essential that both Prishtina and Belgrade engage constructively in the EU-facilitated dialogue to resolve pending issues. We continue to urge all sides to implement existing agreements without delay. As we have seen, abrupt and uncoordinated actions, especially in northern Kosovo, can increase the risk of violence, which undermines the security of all people in Kosovo, and increases the risks faced by KFOR troops. As you would expect, this heightens the concern of NATO Allies and partners about the stability of the region, the security of Kosovo, and the safety of their troops. KFOR soldiers remain diligent and on duty, including in northern Kosovo, conducting regular patrols and closely monitoring the situation on the ground. They are working tirelessly, helping to keep the situation calm by implementing KFOR’s UN mandate, at all times and impartially. Their presence creates space for coordinated, diplomatic, and long-term resolution of remaining issues. It is vital to have timely and effective coordination with NATO, and the international community. I have stressed this to all of my interlocutors today. This applies to myriad issues including the Iber bridge where KFOR solider have a longstanding fixed presence. On 29 May 2023 in Zvecan, NATO men and women suffered unprovokedand unacceptable attacks, leaving 93 of them injured – some of them severely. This is unacceptable. We expect that those responsible for the events last year in in Zvecan, as well as in in Banjska, will be held accountable. NATO has made this very clear in both Belgrade and Prishtina. Again, uncoordinated actions and unrealistic timelines, along with divisive rhetoric, fuel tensions that jeopardises peace and stability in Kosovo. At this critical time for European security, we must ensure we work together, reliably and credibly. NATO will continue to play its part. A peaceful and prosperous future for the region is possible, but not guaranteed. It requires, on all sides, political decisions that are genuinely committed to minimise surprises and coordinate with the international community. There is an opportunity and a necessity to take positive steps towards de-escalation and to reduce pressure, through constructive dialogue for lasting solutions. This will benefit all people in Kosovo and all people in the Western Balkans.

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